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Leaders Guide to LWVUS Program Planning 2024 – 2026

This guidance includes a timeline, background, and additional resources for League leaders on LWVUS program planning for 2024-2026.

To view a PDF of this page, click here or scroll down to "Related Materials"

Image with a dark purple background. The image features a yellow timeline, with markers indicated as yellow and white circles on the line. There are five circles on the timeline. In a magenta box at the top of the image, there is white text: "LWVUS 2024-2026 Program Planning Timeline." Below this heading is the timeline. The first marker is "Oct. 2023: Program planning materials posted." The second marker is to the right, "Jan. 1 - Mar. 10, 2024: State and local Leagues hold program planning meetings." The third marker is to the right of the second, "Mar. 10, 2024: Program planning survey form deadline." The fourth marker is "May 2024: LWVUS Board proposal shared with Leagues." The fifth marker is the final one, to the right of the image. It says "June 27-30, 2024: Convention delegates adopt 2024-2026 program." There is the white LWVUS logo at the bottom of the image.


Instructions & Webinar Series

Find instructions for participating in 2024 – 2026 LWVUS Program Planning and a PDF preview of survey here.

The survey is now available and closes on March 10, 2024. Click the button below to complete the Program Planning Survey.


Additionally, to assist Leagues in preparing for 2024 Convention, LWVUS launched a three-part webinar series on Program Planning. Webinars are open to all active League members and might be especially helpful for individuals who will complete the 2024 Program Planning Survey. The three webinars are: 

  • Choosing LWVUS Program 2024 – 2026  | Oct. 12, 2023 
  • Nuts & Bolts of Program Planning Meetings | Jan. 11, 2024
  • From Here to Convention | Mar. 28, 2024

 Register for upcoming webinars or watch recordings of old sessions below:


What is League Program?

LWVUS Program is the education and advocacy platform that the League membership adopts at each biennial LWV National Convention. The goal of the LWVUS Program Planning process is to achieve collective agreement around how LWV will move our mission forward for the next two years.

Current LWVUS Positions can be found in Impact on Issues. Click below to learn more.

Purple image with white and yellow border. The image has the white LWV logo in the left corner. Underneath the logo, there is "IMPACT ON ISSUES" in yellow font. Below that is "A GUIDE TO THE PUBLIC POLICY POSITIONS OF THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS" in white font, with a yellow line underneath that text.




During January and February 2024, local and state Leagues conduct Program Planning exercises and make Program recommendations in a local or state general membership meeting or board meeting. During this time, Leagues are also asked to share information on how their work will impact the Campaign for Making Democracy Work®  and to identify LWVUS positions that they intend to use in education, advocacy, and lobbying. Leagues share this information with LWVUS through the Program Planning survey, which is open from January to mid-March 2024.

LWVUS Program consists of three parts: 

  • Action to implement League Principles;   
  • Study or concurrence on a governmental issue to develop new Positions or to update existing Positions; and  
  • Action on government issues. 

League Program is the grassroots method by which LWV supports our mission through education and advocacy. All League action, advocacy, and education are based on support for League Positions and League Principles. League action in support of League Positions may be taken only in those areas where there is member understanding and agreement.

Please note: LWVUS is responsible for determining all advocacy strategies, actions, and messaging at the national level. Additionally, resolutions and legislative priorities are not part of Program planning.

The Program Planning process is outlined in Article XII of the LWVUS Bylaws:

Article XII, LWVUS Bylaws

Sec. 1. Principles. The Principles are concepts of government supported by the League and are the authorization for adoption of national, state and local program. They may be amended by the convention in the same way as program is adopted under Section 2 of this Article.

Sec. 2. Program. The program shall consist of action to implement the Principles and those governmental issues chosen by the convention for concerted study or concurrence and action.

A. Local and state League and ILO boards shall make any program recommendations to the national board by a date, set by the board, that is at least three months prior to the convention.

B. The national board shall consider these recommendations and formulate a proposed program which shall be sent to the presidents of local and state Leagues and ILOs at least six weeks prior to the convention.

C. Any League that plans to propose the adoption or amendment of a national League position by concurrence with a position statement of another League or Leagues shall submit the recommendation to the national board as specified in Section 2A of this Article. Any League, or the national board, that plans to propose the adoption or amendment of a national League position by concurrence with a position statement of another League or Leagues on the floor of convention shall send the proposed position statement, background information, including pros and cons on the issue and an explanation of the rationale for using this form of member agreement, to all Leagues at least six weeks before convention.

D. The convention shall adopt a program by a majority vote on each subject presented to it. A program recommendation submitted by a local or state League or ILO by the date set by the national board as specified in Section 2A of this Article but not proposed by the national board may be adopted only if its consideration is ordered by majority vote of the convention and the vote on adoption comes on a following day. A two-thirds vote is required to amend or adopt a national League position by concurrence on the floor of convention.

Sec. 3. Program Action. Leagues may act on national program only in conformity with positions taken by the LWVUS. Members may act in the name of the LWVUS only when authorized to do so by the appropriate board. 


Incorporating Our DEI Policy

During the Program Planning process, Leagues should incorporate an emphasis on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) into our work. A DEI lens is a way of examining the process as to how it is perceived by a variety of communities, voices, and perspectives, and what, if any, barriers may exist that prevent it from being equitable or inclusive of everyone. A key part of applying a DEI lens is ensuring that all members feel informed and included in Program Planning.

A photo of attendees in the ballroom at Convention 2022 in Denver, CO. The photographer is taking the picture from the back of the room, facing the stage. The crowd is featured in the image. The stage has three screens - the one in the middle has the Convention 2022 logo ("2022 National Convention: Women Power Democracy"). The two other screens on the right and left feature a LWVUS board member speaking on stage.


Recommended Program: The Campaign for Making Democracy Work®

The LWVUS Board recommends that Program 2024 – 2026 continue the Campaign for Making Democracy Work®, which includes: 

  • Voting Rights 
  • Improving Elections 
  • Money in Politics 
  • Redistricting 
  • Abolishing the Electoral College

At Convention 2022, delegates voted to support a program that would fully utilize core League Positions on Voting Rights and Election Reform. The main goal of the Campaign for Making Democracy Work® is to ensure a free, fair, and accessible electoral system for all voters. Leagues at every level continue working to protect and advance voting rights and election reform at this critical time for our democracy, as well as to fight efforts in Washington, DC, and state legislatures to suppress voters.

At the same time, the League of Women Voters continues our Transformation Journey to strengthen the organization while also engaging new and future activists for the League’s core issues.

Accomplishments of the Campaign for Making Democracy Work®

As part of the Campaign for Making Democracy Work®, the League has continued to focus on a major campaign to protect and expand voting rights.

Federal Legislation

Since July 2022, LWVUS staff, Lobby Corps, and grassroots supporters lobbied the White House and Congress, with efforts to fight voter suppression tactics, establish reproductive choice, and support the Freedom to Vote Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Equal Rights Amendment, the Washington DC Admission Act, and the DISCLOSE Act.

LWV’s efforts resulted in 69,008 letters sent to Congress and over 71,633 contacts with the Executive Branch of government. Through our outreach, we were able to engage over 45,000 new activists.

As public momentum for federal voting rights legislation slowed, the League continued working with legislative offices to identify ways to incorporate voting rights components into different legislative initiatives. The League also continued conversations about federal voting rights, voter registration, and elections with the Biden Administration and federal agencies, including Health and Human Services, US Citizenship and Immigration Services, and the Department of Justice.


Between the 2020 and 2030 legislative cycles, the LWV Education Fund worked to advance fair political maps in 15 states by undertaking People Powered Fair Maps activities and contributing to shared goals as a member of the Coalition Hub Advancing Redistricting & Grassroots Engagement (CHARGE).


Between July 2022 and June 2023, LWV was involved in more than 67 legal matters in state and federal court, including 15 new matters filed or joined by the League in federal court since July 1, 2022. The League protected more than 8.5 million voters through successful litigation across the country with a 64% win rate in federal court. The topics of litigation centered around the issues within the League’s Campaign for Making Democracy Work®, including voting rights, improving elections, redistricting, and protecting against voter purges, while expanding our litigation work around reproductive justice, LGBTQIA+ rights, and education. 

2024 and Beyond

As we look to the future, the League’s programmatic work is more important now than ever due to the dysfunction of Congress, the increase in anti-voter legislation across the country, and the rise in international conflicts that connect to domestic issues. The League continues to work together at the local, state, and national levels to advance these priorities in the face of increased challenges. 

Additional information on the Campaign for Making Democracy Work® is available at

A photograph of a woman in profile at Convention 2022 in Denver, CO. The woman is in the plenary ballroom holding a LWV paddle - the paddle is white with a red heart, and the white LWV logo in the middle. She is standing up, with a NEBRASKA sign on the table next to them.


Program Planning Resources

League Update

Make sure that you are subscribed to the League Update, a biweekly resource newsletter from LWVUS. Leading up to Convention 2024, the League Update will include additional information on Program Planning and Convention. This newsletter is an essential tool for keeping up to date on Program Planning deadlines, resources, and webinars.

Program Planning Glossary

New this biennium, LWVUS staff and board developed a glossary of commonly used terms in Program Planning and Convention debate. The goal of the glossary is to help ensure that all Leagues and Convention delegates are grounded in a clear understanding of terms associated with Convention and League Program.

LWV Positions: Impact on Issues

Impact on Issues includes all current LWVUS positions, and you can access it on the League Management Site.

The Summary of Public Policy Positions that is part of Impact on Issues can be found on pages 11 – 16. This provides a general, broad listing of the areas in which we have positions and gives a concise summary.

League Clearinghouse

The League of Women Voters Education Fund Clearinghouse contains studies and research conducted by League members across the country. The purpose of the site is to share League study documents among state and local Leagues and with the public. LWVUS does not maintain the Clearinghouse site, but LWVUS does endorse it as a resource for Leagues. The site is maintained by a group of League member volunteers.

Program Planning Contact

Should you have questions about program planning that are not addressed in these resources, feel free to email [email protected] to reach a member of the Program Planning Committee or staff. We welcome questions on the Program Planning process, Program bylaws, webinars, League Positions, and guidance for Leagues to promote an issue for consideration to other Leagues.